Wednesday, September 17, 2014:

Prevention is the Key

Skin Hydration
Most skin damage is due to our exposure to daily stressers.  In other words, one or two bad sunburns won't translate into the deep wrinkles and age spots we start to notice as we age (but those sunburns certainly don't help!). It's the constant damage we endure everyday- sun, wind, cold, dehydration, poor diet, etc.

This daily exposure is the culprit and it is up to you to implement a routine to help decrease your skin's exposure to the sun and environmental damage.

When I talk about these intense paramedical topicals and innovative serums, often the first comment I am met with is, "but you don't have wrinkles!".  I always think of that old Head & Shoulders commercial...."but you don't have dandruff!" "Exactly...."

While science and technology have evolved enough to help us repair damage, we're always better off by preventing it to begin with.

So while you might think you're too young to start an intensive beauty regiment, think again!  At the very least, sunscreen should be a staple in your morning beauty routine.  As you approach your thirties and beyond, you can start thinking about integrating in some more intensive topicals....just recently I added a SkinMedica Retinol Cream into my line up (more on that later).  It's not an everyday thing, but twice a week to proactively maintain a youthful appearance.

Think about this as we approach the cold and dry wintery months.  Are there new ways you plan to take care of your skin?
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